Over 2,000,000 Chris­tians join Vir­tual Mass Prayer Ser­vice for Covid-19 ef­forts

There are now over 29 mil­lion cases of Covid-19 glob­ally, with more than 900,000 lives lost, ac­cord­ing to the World Health Or­ga­ni­za­tion.

A vac­cine could end the pan­demic, but only if it is ef­fec­tive, made in mas­sive amounts and ad­e­quately dis­trib­uted across the globe.

And there are other is­sues to con­sider as well, will it re­quire one dose or mul­ti­ple doses and how much im­mu­nity will it give and for how long.

None of the an­swers to such ques­tions will be known un­til a vac­cine is de­vel­oped. The Chris­t­ian com­mu­nity has not sat down and folded arms while wait­ing for the ef­fec­tive vac­cine.

Sep­tem­ber 16th, 2020, con­gre­ga­tion mem­bers of the Shin­cheonji Church of Je­sus, a church with thou­sands of mem­bers in var­i­ous coun­tries, held a global on­line de­vo­tion ser­vice to pray for the com­plete erad­i­ca­tion of and cure for Covid-19 as well as the vic­tims of the coro­n­avirus and their fam­i­lies, health­care work­ers and gov­ern­ment of­fi­cials.

The vir­tual prayer ser­vice was live-streamed to the en­tire con­gre­ga­tion with more than 2,000,000 mem­bers in coun­tries all over the world par­tic­i­pat­ing, in­clud­ing the USA, the United King­dom, South Ko­rea, Aus­tralia, South Africa, Namibia and Zim­babwe.

In keep­ing with so­cial dis­tanc­ing, health pro­to­cols and pro­tect­ing its mem­bers from pos­si­ble ex­po­sure to the coro­n­avirus, Shin­cheonji arranged the vir­tual gath­er­ing for mem­bers to pray to­gether in safety and set an ex­am­ple for oth­ers.

Prayers were mainly for the heal­ing of those in­fected with the virus, for over­worked health­care work­ers who are strug­gling to fight Covid-19, and for peo­ple in eco­nomic dis­tress in the wake of the pan­demic. The over­whelm­ing on­line par­tic­i­pa­tion from its mem­bers world­wide showed the de­sire and ur­gency to end this virus and for heal­ing and restora­tion in com­mu­ni­ties.

The Chair­man of Shin­cheonji Church,Mr Man Hee Lee sug­gested this on­line vir­tual gath­er­ing. He said that all be­liev­ers would con­tinue to pray at the church’s wor­ship ser­vices un­til the com­plete erad­i­ca­tion of the coro­n­avirus.

At least 1,700 of the church’s South Ko­rean-based con­gre­ga­tion have do­nated their blood plasma for re­search around an ef­fec­tive treat­ment. Con­va­les­cent plasma has also shown promise as a ther­apy for Covid-19 and is be­lieved to have re­duced the sever­ity of symp­toms in crit­i­cal pa­tients.

“In or­der to de­feat Covid-19, we need to em­brace, love, and unite,” as global cit­i­zens, the church said. “We wanted to do all we can as be­liev­ers by pray­ing for the peo­ple work­ing to pre­vent the spread of the virus and health­care work­ers who are work­ing at the front­lines of this bat­tle against Covid-19 and we be­lieve that God will an­swer our earnest prayers.”Said.

Prayer ses­sions have be­come a rou­tine prac­tice within Shin­cheonji, while Health­care or­ga­ni­za­tions con­tinue de­vel­op­ing the vac­cines and treat­ments needed to rid the world of this virus.


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