The national rural social common peoples organization of India, Chinmaya Foundation & it's one part of the project Dolphin Dance School & Group has continued saving lives through many ways.
In the coronavirus pandemic across India, Chinmaya Foundation & it's Dolphin Dance School & Group project has been raising awareness about Covid1-9 and distributing relief food and materials. 

Additionally, the mentally challenged always received blankets, clothes, chemicalized mosquito nets and bedsheets ,winter jackets,Caps through the relief distribution program.

The foundation distribute winter cloth,dress, blanket & so many materials to poor & needy peoples for fighting against cold winter along with covid19 with spearheading the program has been Mr.Chinmaya Dash, the national chairperson of Chinmaya Foundation and Master Mihir Kumar, the director of Dolphin Dance School & group and other members are cooperated whole heartily with the behalf of foundation.
This program is highly appreciated by political leaders,intellectuals as well as general public.
As reported from: Office of the Chinmaya Foundation
At-BabalPur, Po- NandiPur ,Via- DasarathPur,District- JajPur ,State-Odisha,Pin-755006,Bharat(India)
Mob-(+91)9938810539 /8328876038