Day Number 407 of Covid-19 awareness and relief distribution at Odisha

BHARAT(INDIA):As communities unite in the fight against the corona viruses pandemic,the Chinmaya Foundation one of the leading social welfare & cultural common people's organization in Bharat(India) has continued to help the vulnerable & most affected people.
From March 22, 2020 the foundation has engaged in activities aimed to reduced the spread of the virus including distributing relief food & materials.

Today the foundation continued raising it's 407th day awareness & relief distribution at Odisha & other states of India spearheaded by the direction of national chairperson Mr.Chinmaya Dash,Dirrector of Dance Group Mastar Mihir Kumar, Madhusmita Nayak , Artist Shashadhara Pati & Others.This nonstop community program has benefited many people in Odisha State of Bharat(India) as the foundation beefs up it's support for hundred above of Covid-19 hit lakh families.

The nonstop community program has also benefited mental patients who have been receiving clothes, mosquito nets,blankets & bedsheets & others.

The Chinmaya Foundation has sat itself as the best example of a charity organizations admits the raging pandemic.Today the foundation distribute Mask,Sabin,Soap,hand gloves,O.R.S powder, sanitizer, Drinking water, coock & dry food etc along with dress materials to poor & needy peoples of India.

As reported from: Office Of The Chinmaya Foundation.

At:BabalPur,Po:NandiPur,Via:DasarathPur, District:JajPur,State:Odisha-755006,Bharat(INDIA)



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