INDIA: Chinmaya Foundation's Nonstop Day Number 484 For Corona Awareness and Relief Distribution Program

While the whole world is currently in the midst of the coronation of the epicenter in Corona, the leading social welfare organization in Babalpur, Jajpur district of Odisha state has been raising awareness and risk-taking throughout India for nonstop work.Today it is 484 day.
Foundation risking its own lives. Food, clothing and financial assistance to the poor and needy, including bleaching, powder, mask, sanitizer,O.R.S have been seen. 

Relief was distributed to the migrants and the helpless in various places of India.

Today it includes at Sanakuanal village of Jajpur district of Odisha state.

Under the leadership of Chinmaya Dash, the national chairperson of the foundation, the staffs are going from village to village to conduct awareness-raising cultural programs with relief distribution. 

All the staff, including Ast.Secretary Master Mihir Kumar and Treasurer Mrs. Madhusmita Nayak are assisted.


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