By Mr.Chinmaya Dash,India
As a child, he was interested in dance,song,music & drama.
So with his goal of moving forward in the field of art,song, dance & drama he has created a unique identity all over Odisha state today as well as the country level.
He is Mihir Kumar Mallik, the son of Dasaratha Mallik of Kenduakul village in Binjharpur constituency of Jajpur district.
As a child, a short play was performed on the school premises under the supervision of Mr. Prakash Chandra Raut, the teacher of his school life.
After that performance Mihir has not looked back since.
He thanks to his teacher Hollywood industrialist Mr. Bidyut Sethi (Bidu Sir) for support to him.
Most of the festivals in Odisha state can be seen as well as his children’s dances as well as his dances,anchoring & other performances.
He has performed at hundreds above of dance venues, such as Tauranga cine award,Tarang parivar award,Tarang cine fest.,Konark fest.,Khantapada fest.,Malyagiri fest.,Kuakhia fest.,Badachana fest.,Bhogarai fest.,Kupari fest.,Anugul Colour fest.,Nalco Gajalaxmi fest etc., but he continues to do so.