Traditional doctor constructs teacher’s house in Malawi

LILONGWE-Mzimba based traditional doctor Paul Kamanga who is popularly known as Chanisanga has constructed a K16.2 million teacher’s house at Dewe junior primary school in Traditional Authority Mabilabo in Mzimba district, Malawi.
Design of the teacher’s house at Dewe School is similar to the teacher’s houses which were built with funding from Local Development Fund (LDF).

In an interview on Saturday, the traditional doctor, Chanisanga, said he decided to build the teacher’s house at Dewe after seeing how teachers were residing in small and substandard houses.

“As one way of coaxing teachers to teach in rural areas I decided to give the teachers proper housing and good working environment. That’s why I decided to construct one house at Dewe for head teacher so that teachers stay in a conducive environment,” he said.

Chanisanga who is also macadamia a farmer then disclosed that he is planning to construct deputy head teacher’s house at the same school which has 6 qualified teachers. (M24)


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