TODAY, the whole world is losing its grip on the coronal grass of the corona. We have stepped back in education, economics, social development and cultural awakening.
Corona's fears have not diminished. Headaches are seen in different parts of the country. So there is a need to be vigilant, not amateur. There is a need to include people who are economically and socially disadvantaged in the mainstream of society.
With this in mind, the Chinmaya Foundation, a leading social welfare organization in Babalpur, has been continuously distributing corona kits , awareness & relief programs for 800 days since 22nd March 2020 to till today.
The review meeting was Chaired by the founding chairman of the foundation Mr. Chinmaya Dash. As the reviewer Artist Shashikant Panda, Program coordinator Master Mihir Kumar, Social Activist Mr. Suresh Chandra Das, Young Social Activist Mr. Parthiba Nayak and others were attend.
They encouraged to the peoples as well to take part in solving this great task.They are critics says that " The Foundation's relentless struggle will continue until the fear of an epidemic strikes from all over the world AND the process of creating troops in the community will continue to provide services to the poor and needy".