CHINMAYA Foundation, an international people's enhancement organization for peace & harmony , is constantly striving to bring out the hidden talent in art, literature, culture and other from rural areas.

Earlier, Rahas Purnima Muruja Competition was held in which more than three thousand contestants participated.
These Muruj and Jhoti paintings will be judged by leading painters and judges from different 10 countries including India.
Judges from the country including Emmanuel Timadi K, Editor-in-Chief of The Street News Nigeria and Chinmaya Foundation's Nigeria Coordinator Miss. Ankelous Bobs, Editor of The Finder Newspaper of Kenya Mr. David Gachuhi, Managing Director and Editor of the Tanzania Diramakini News, Mr. Godfrey Ismaely Nnko, Chairman of Surveillance Newspaper of Nigeria, Mr. Mondy Wheir, International Artist of India Mr. Keshu Das along with others are cooperated to conducting this program.