National Education Policy-2020:India is the best way forward for developing the World


EDUCATION is fundamental stone for achieving full human potential developing an equitable and just society and promoting national development.

Providing universal access to quality education is the key to India’s continued ascent, and leadership on the global stage in terms of economic growth, social justice and quality, scientific advancement, national integration and cultural preservation.

Universal level high quality education is the best way forward for developing and maximizing our countries rich talents and resources for the good of the individual, the society, the country, and for the whole world.

India has the highest population of young people in the world over the next decade and our ability to provide high quality educational opportunities to them will determine the future of our country,and to the world as a whole.

The new National Education Policy-2020 (NEP-2020) of India was notified by the Government of India in July 2020, 34 years after the last NPE was notified in 1986.

The NEP-2020 provides for a comprehensive, sustainable and reformative roadmap for a paradigm shift in the entire education system in the country, and is culturally grounded, is geared toward quality transformation, and is internationally competitive.

In so far as higher education is concerned, besides proposing for foundational principles for educational change in relation to Indian traditional knowledge, culture and values, the NEP-2020 proposes reforms in all areas of higher education, including its structure, curriculum and pedagogy, teaching-learning strategies, learning resources and technology-enabled learning, vocational education and skilling and employability, 21st century learning and social and life skills, optimal learning environment and learner support, formative and summative assessment, internationalization, research and scholarship, governance and leadership, and regulation and accreditation.

The study of the new National Education Policy - 2020 (NEP-2020) is development of awareness and understanding toward appreciating and appropriating the nuances, thrusts, recommendations of NEP-2020, and formulate implementation strategies at various levels for its smooth, effective and sustainable implementation.

PDP Learning Outcomes

The new National Education Policy - 2020 (NEP-2020) of India is targeted primarily to administrators and general practitioners of higher education.

After going through this programme, the students shall be well-equipped with awareness knowledge about various dimensions of NEP-2020. More specifically, they will be able to understand the aim and objectives of education in context to world scenario.

It describe the foundational principles of NEP-2020, structural arrangements, GER, access, equity, inclusion, and 21st century learning in higher education, and plan for their further growth and development as member of world family.

An analyse and reflect upon Bhartiya Gyan Parampara, culture and values, holistic and multidisciplinary education, curriculum and pedagogy, multiple entry-exit, skilling and employability, optimal leaning environment and learner support, academic bank of credits, assessment strategies, and formulate plan of action in these modern areas.

Analyse various components of online and digital education /technology-enabled learning/ blended learning, and flipped classrooms, and visualise effective implementation of flipped and blended learning in teaching-learning, learner support, and learner management/ analytics.

Describe the status and possibilities of cross-border delivery, internationalisation of curriculum; and underline the importance of quality academic research, and regulation and quality assurance in developing an academic culture of evidence-based teaching-learning.

Articulate and reflect upon the changing role of faculty, academic leadership and governance, and innovation strategies in grounding the NEP into implementation reality and strategize its effective and appropriate implementation.

The new educational policy will be helpful for international understanding and it will be a gate way for world development.

For example changes to the basic education system will make Indian school leavers more prepared to directly enter a UK under graduate programme; a new nationawide academic credit system will simplify credit recognisation partnerships between UK and Indian universities;

Now come to draw the concluding remark of the New educational policy of India is that this policy is an essential initiative to help in the all round development of our society, country and the world as whole. However the implementation of this policy will greatly determines its success with bright colour in future.
Sanjukta Mohapatra,
Head Mistress,
Panchayat Govt,High School,
Mo-+91 9658482014


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