Newspaper Front pages for October 12th,2023

GAZA-The Biden administration is still searching for concrete details about the condition of the handful of Americans believed to have been taken hostage by Hamas, including exactly how many the group may be holding captive in Gaza, or if they are currently being held in one place, a US official told CNN.
As the Biden administration continues its work to support Israel and move military assets into the region, US officials across the government are furiously working behind the scenes to piece together an accurate picture on the ground.

In remarks to a roundtable with members of the Jewish community at the White House Wednesday, President Joe Biden pledged the full force of his administration's commitment to rescuing hostages, saying that while "we're working on every aspect of the hostage crisis in Israel," if he relayed in detail what steps the administration was taking, "I wouldn't be able to get them home."
Further complicating the situation, US officials say, is that Hamas consists of numerous and often competing subgroups and militias that all operate in Gaza. Before the US can put together a plan to recover hostages, officials first have to figure out which of those Hamas sub-groups may be holding them, and for what reason. (CNN)


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