Evangelist Alphonce Temba:Edgar Chagwa Lungu could be President again 2026

DAR- Tanzanian Preacher and International Evangelist,Mr. Alphonce Temba has prophesy that Mr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu will return to power as president again.

It's through the Zambian General Election which is expected to be held in 2026. The politician and President of the Sixth Phase who was born on November 11, 1956 served as the president of Zambia from January 26, 2015 to August 24, 2021.

Through his prophesy of March 15, 2024 Evangelist Temba has said, God has shown Lungu that he is going to receive the baton from President Hakainde Hichilema who entrusted him with power on August 24, 2021.

Perhaps, this prophesy comes at a time when Zambia, which had high hopes from the businessman, farmer and politician, Hichilema about raising the economy and improving the well-being of their lives, things are said to have gone wrong.

Many of Evangelist Temba's prophecies have, had immediate results, this is due to the gift given to him by God which makes him a more different from Servant of God.

Evangelist Temba who has visited many countries and gained fame by giving prophecies that have been fulfilled as prophesy, in his prophecy he has said, the Lord has shown him that former President Edgar Chagwa Lungu who was defeated in the 2021 General Election is the one who will win the race in the election next against the current President Hakainde Hichilema.

Speaking about the elections that will be held in Zambia in 2026 where the current President Hakainde Hichilema will run for the second and last term due to their Constitution, Evangelist Temba has explained that God's time has come to bring back the former President of that country Edgar Chagwa Lungu.

Evangelist Temba stated that, Edgar Chagwa Lungu was born from the fruits of the former President of Zambia,Late Michael Sata who claims that God had revealed to him since 2006 that he would be the President of the country and in 2011 Michael Sata won the seat of the President of Zambia.
The International Evangelist, Alphonce Temba leading a prayer of repentance for the former President of Zambia in 2011,late Michael Sata at the Lusaka State House in Zambia.

He has continued to say that,the reason is related even though when Edgar Chagwa Lungu was President, he was not close to him and he never visited him, but there is a divine covenant that he made in Lusaka State House in Zambia with the late President Michael Sata.

Evangelist Temba said, Lungu has the ability to choose someone else to continue in his party if he likes to rest, but the star is still shining for him to win the election.

However, he said, when he arrived in Zambia and was received by the Chairman of the current President Hichilema's United Party for National Development (UPDP), Stephen Katuka, he told him to convey a message to the President not to move to the State House before he prayed for him and met him.

Evangelist Temba, He told him clearly that the President should see him quickly and pray for him and inform him of God's Covenant in the State House of Lusaka and if he did not call him and go inside and live in the Palace, death would befall him.
The International Evangelist, Alphonce Temba with the Chairman of the ruling party in Zambia, of the United Party for National Development (UPDP), Stephen Katuka when he arrived in Zambia.

Thus, he warned him to tell the President to call him if he wants to be safe, an act that the President refused to call him and strangely, he refused to move to the Zambian State House, until now the President of Zambia Hichilema lives in his residence at his home in Lusaka in Zambia.

When he was asked that his prophets have been great and global and why these days he does not give prophets for the country of Tanzania where there have been many things especially in social networks and many other things, while the General Election for Tanzania is expected to be held in 2025, but he has skipped to the Election of 2026 again of another country, Evangelist Temba has said that, it is true that there are elections this year for local governments and there are elections in 2025, General Elections for councilors, members of parliament and the President, but he is currently focused on giving prophecies about other nations outside Tanzania.

That, he has given instructions to be asked by any country that will hold the Election whether inside or outside Africa, he will continue to give prophecies about who will win the presidency and insist that, he will not give any prophecies about Tanzania at the moment.

Quoting the scriptures in the Bible book of Mark 6:2 he said, "And when it was the Sabbath, he began to teach in the Synagogue, when many heard they were surprised, saying where did this man get these things? And, What is this wisdom that was given to him? His hands?.

Mark 6:3, he says "Isn't this the one, the Carpenter, the son of Mary, and their brother James, and Jose, and Judas, and Simon? fourth citing that "Jesus said to them, A prophet does not lack respect, except in his own country, and to his relatives, and in his home".

While Mark 6:5 says "And he could not do any miracle there, except he laid his hands on a few sick people and healed them."

So after reading those scriptures, Evangelist Temba said, it is true that God has been showing him great things about Tanzania and other things, and no Prophet has ever spoken them and until now he has.

"But because within the nation of Tanzania, there are people in the government and in the ruling party who have despised me by seeing me as an insignificant person, I have been humiliated and insulted," said Evangelist Temba.

So he has pointed out that the book of Mark clearly shows that,when Jesus was passed on those words in the same text, he says that the scriptures say that he did not perform miracles in his city because of contempt.

As a result of this situation,Evangelist Temba has claimed that from now on he will continue to focus on giving the great prophecy on various nations outside of Tanzania, because he was humiliated just like Jesus was humiliated in his town where Jesus after being humiliated what he did left them and did not perform miracles again in his town.

He has said that, and he will no longer give prophecies about the Tanzanian nation, where the leaders and some other people have been humiliating, insulting and belittling him.

However, he has said that there are things that he has seen about Tanzania where currently many are rushing to the local government elections that will be held later this year, and others are rushing to the 2025 General Election where many are looking at the victory of the Presidential and Parliamentary seat where he says he sees different from how other people look.

Quoting from the Bible, Daniel 2:21 says, "He changes seasons and times; he visits kings and makes kings possess them; he gives wisdom to the wise; he gives knowledge to those who understand."

Evangelist Temba has noted that, the Government of the Fourth Phase of Tanzania knows his contribution, because he was even asked about things by senior leaders while abroad and he was the one who introduced the Chief Prophet of SCOAN,late T.B Joshua, to the Government of the Fourth Phase.

However, he said in Botswana where in 2024 the General Election will be held for the ruling party of the Botswana Democratic Party (BDP) under the current President of the fifth phase Mokgweetsi Eric Keabetswe Masisi will emerge victorious, but he may face a major economic problem due to contractual pressures or commercial cases on the Diamond business and there was a large reduction of workers and hurt the economy of Botswana.

That, this is due to the decisions made by President Mokgweetsi Eric Keabetswe Masisi, in this saga will open a very big opposition and may be the beginning of the opposition parties gaining a lot of power in the country.

However, Evangelist Temba has continued to say that in the country of Zambia the prophecy he gave is that Edgar Chagwa Lungu is going to win the 2026 General Election, and that he is going to contact him soon so that he can give him the opportunity to tell him the prophecy about the victory he will get in the next General Election.

Says that, if Lungu agrees with him (Evangelist Temba), he will make great prayers for him that will help him give him the strength and protection of the Angel from God to be over him,where violence and oppression will no longer appear to him because there is a grace that God gave him to help leaders who are obedient on the word of God.

He has continued to explain that, after the prophecy about the next Zambian General Election, he will continue to give prophecies about other nations and give prophecies to the leaders of those nations and when he is invited and accepted to go, he will go at his own expense, because the service of God that he does is not paid for, but he gives it for free.

Contact Evangelist Alphonce Temba through email; phonce2003@yahoo.com


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